
Friday, May 3, 2013

TRESemme Gave Me A Reason To Party!!

" Wake up in the morning feel like P'Diddy; grab my glasses i'm out the door,
 i'm gonna hit the city"
( Checking the mirror ) what i see is dull and frizzy hair and even then i give no notice to them. And
"Before i leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack;
 cuz when i leave for the night i ain't coming back"
I stepped outside and met my friend two blocks away from home. Her hair tied up in a fancy bun with an attractive bow supporting it. While a black rubber band was holding back my hair in a pony tail. Excited for the party, we discussed the guest list and waited for the other girls, so we could all leave for our destination. The moment they arrived their hairdo amazed me. Was I the only one looking so dull and lifeless or they were just dressed too much. Well, considering the occasion former was the case.
The smartest of all gave me a lookfull of disgust and pitty, immediately she questioned me, " are we going to party or to a flea market..?"
We immediately drove to her place, where i conditioned my tresses with Tresemme products. "Wow half of the work is done", this is what my mind was saying to me. no friz and so shiny hair! Now what's next? Youtube!

We checked various hairstyles on YouTube and picked the "Athena Braid" which could be easily made and yet trendy and chick.
All dressed up as divas we sang out loud on our way to the party
" Don't stop make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, 
I'mma fright Til we see the sunlight, Tick Tock on the clock..."

Contest byTRESemme  at     Indiblogger

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